AdLink | Ads Manager

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Please follow the steps below to redeem your 1,000 advertising bonus credits. Check out this sample advertisement and start one for your own.

  1. Register advertiser account.
  2. Activate account via activation link from your inbox.
  3. Log in and redeem bonus credits.
  4. Create your own ad and start publishing.

Reach out more global customers

No matter what your budget, you can display your ads on Connect with potential global customers at the magic moment they're searching for your products or services, and only pay when people see your ads.

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Create your very own Sponsored Ad @ TRADEMAL.COM for maximum exposure

In just a few steps, you can promote your business globally
  1. Register your ad account - Fill up your information and get access to ad campaign control panel.
  2. Create your ad - We provide easy step-by-step instructions on how to build your advertisement. It's simple and fast.
  3. Top up your ad - Plan your advertisement campaign budget and schedule your ad appearance. You will never experience any unanticipated costs.
  4. Monitor your ad performance - Real-time data on the performance of your campaign puts all of the control in your hands.

Reach out more global customers

Being Malaysia's leading trade portal, we FEATURE:
  1. 30,000++ registered enterprises
  2. 10 millions++ hits per month
Our B2B audiences include:
  1. Buyers / purchasers (both domestic and international)
  2. Importers and exporters
  3. Manufacturers / producers
  4. Wholesalers
  5. Retailers


Sponsored-Ads click here to enlarge
Details Unit Type Rate
  1. Title of advertisement
  2. Image of company logo or product - 120x240 pixels (static or animated)
  3. Description - 150 characters
  4. Phone number
  5. Fax number
  6. Email
  7. Website link (direct to specific website)
CPM - Cost per 1,000 impressions RM20.00
Sponsored-Links click here to enlarge
Details Unit Type Rate
  1. Text advertisement by keywords
  2. Text ads appear on relevant search results
CPC - Cost per Click RM0.05