About Us |
COMPANY TTH EXiM Sdn Bhd./ TTH EXiM Trading & Marketing or also known as TTH was registered / incorporated under the Registrar of Companies Act 1985 on 1st May 2001 in Terengganu, Malaysia. TTH aims to produce the highest quality food and beverages products by continuously improve our production and trading through innovations and technology development. TTH was incorporated with the purpose of assisting localbusinesses (entrepreneurs, producers andmanufacturers) to enter the Global market in preparation of Asian Free Trade Agreement (AFTA). TTH endeavors to export locally produced / manufacturedproducts fromMalaysia.TTH will also make efforts to assist in the importation of goods into Malaysia.
VISION To be a premier and leading export and import corporation in the exploration of global marketing and trading opportunities.
MISSION TTH shall strive to place itself as a leading and competitivebusiness entity in Malaysia through excellence in entrepreneur development, good co... |