About Us |
Stancodex's factory located in the state of Johor in Peninsular Malaysia, was the pioneer in the industry in Malaysia to produce and mass market the product, Coconut Cream Powder. Our Johor factory has been supplying Coconut Cream Powder to the international food industries since its inception in the year 1985.
The current location of the factory was identified as one of the most suitable area to set up the manufacturing facilities due to its close proximity to the coconut plantations. Hence, giving us easy access to the supply of the raw materials, that is, coconuts. The Johor State is one of the major coconut-growing regions in Malaysia.
Stancodex supplies its products to a broad category of industrial food manufacturers either directly or through appointed agents or distributors. Stancodex has always been committed to Good Manufacturing Practices to achieve manufacturing excellence thus ensuring that all products that goes out to all our customers are in conformity wi... |